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Marriage and Chucks

Recently I had the privilege of capturing these 2 beautiful lives merge into 1. It was fun, it was low key, it was filled with love and laughs, but I keep coming back to those Chucks...

Chucks are THE MOST comfortable shoes ever made. You can pick from an array of colors and styles. The same is true for the life partner we choose. When you first get those Chucks, they may be stiff and hurt your toes or your heels for a little while. But once they're "broke in", they've gotten used to your feet, and your feet have gotten used to them?!?! They are by far THE MOST comfortable shoes you can imagine! They go with anything, dress them up, dress them down, they really are the best shoes you could ever have. And that's exactly how you should feel about your spouse, they should be THE MOST comfortable place you can imagine. The warm safe place you can always fall into, no matter if there are tears streaming, if there is snot bubbling, if it's been the worst day ever, or the "honey pour me a glass of wine" day; no questions asked, just comfortable "broke in" love.

Marriage starts out a lot like those new Chucks. It can be tight, pinchy, rub the wrong way, uncomfortable, cause blisters, and even smell funny! But once it's "broke in" there's nothing else in the whole world like it.

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